What do Die Hard, They Live, Leahal Weapon, Big Trouble in Little China, Black Rain, Bill & Teds Excellent Adventure, The Golden Child and Action Jackson all have in common? They're all great films because of one man, and that man is AL LEONG. Although you may not recognise the name you would all recognise his face straight away, he is one of the greatest actors of our generation but is always being typecast as the token yellow bad guy with an uzzie, and being half yellow myself, that makes me proud, what a guy! Did you know that Al Leong is in 74% of all action films from the 1980's .
I bowled against him in a league this year. True story. They were bad.
That's not true. He Bowled a perfect game every time using his patented two handed hadouken spinning backfist technique. THE PINS NEVER STOOD A CHANCE
Some say his bowling skills came from his intense martial arts training. I believe they come from the Taco Bell cups he filled with water from the public water fountain. "Fountain of AWESOME 2HANDED POWERBOWLING as it has now become known as."
he once touched my boob in a non invited sexual way once too.
true story.
will the real Al Leong please stand up?
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