I think this is pretty conclusive evidence that Darwin is wrong.


Anonymous said...

Whoda thought those pesky cretinists coulda come out with a knockdown argumint like that?
Take that Darwinniyists!

Anonymous said...

That's not what evolution means... evolution occurs through natural selection. If you don't understand natural selection, you're an idiot. It's not a supernatural force; it's literally the dominance of one species and its specific traits over another, which takes place because those traits better able them to survive. If you survive, you breed and pass down those hereditary traits. The organisms with traits not suitable for their environment die off and cannot breed; thus, they can not pass down those traits. So those dead traits no longer exist in the gene pool.

Gradually, a species might change so much over time that they evolve into something incredibly new (but not all of a sudden). Why do you think there are discrepancies between the skin of people? Africans have darker skin better equipped for the heat of the sun; those residing in Sweden have fairer pigment because the sun allows them to. And what about germs? The AIDS virus is constantly adjusting to every vaccine and 'cure' we throw at it; so it's evolving to withstand it, as well. Now newer, stronger strains are alive and it becomes difficult to treat them. They are surviving their environment through natural selection.

This video is bullshit.

Anonymous said...

1. i don't think you have the power of a lighting bolt in every jar of peanut butter
2. there are not the 23 or so life specific elements in that jar of peanut butter
3. and even if you had those elements, it took Earth about 1.4 BILLION YEARS to make life
4. if the theroy with the lighting is correct, as there are many many other theroys, that life would be a bacteria that relates to that of ancient bacteria. These ancient life forms were approximatly 2-3 cubic nms in volume, which is 1/100,000 the size of 1 of our skin cells. Anyone who can nonchalantly look into a jar and find that deserves a Nobel Prize

Anonymous said...

Evolution is made up by scientist ape an idiot ape