Here's a great track from He's Able, a gospel album recorded by the People's Temple Choir.
Listen: People's Temple - "Something Got A Hold Of Me"
Here's a recording of the debate that went on in Jonestown as the congregation killed themselves at the urging of their drugged-up, slurring leader.
Listen: Jonestown Death Tape
For some background watch this documentary: The Life And Death Of People's Temple
I've never had Kool Aid before.
this sounds like colonel kurtz 'horror' speech.
The second tape freaks me out.
from Wikipedia: "Kool-Aid was invented by Edwin Perkins and his wife Kitty in Hastings, Nebraska, USA. Its predecessor was a liquid concentrate called Fruit Smack. To reduce shipping costs, in 1927, Perkins discovered a way to remove the liquid from Fruit Smack, leaving only a powder."
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