Whilst working on a gas line in the Amazon riverbasin, an excavator fell into the piranha-infested waters. The operator smashed the cab's glass to free himself, but cut his hand in the process. The blood attracted flesh-eating fish who, in a feeding frenzy, stripped his head to the skull. Warning:
So glad I don't work in that ER!
I love that someone has commented under the photos "so obviously fake".
i think i learned what 'gruesome' means today.
wow, i never thought they really did strip you to thw bone. but i guess they do
i am not clicking.
anybody care to notice something strange with the eye sockets of the skull?
They are fused completely shut with the bone, so there for not only was this poor bugger, driving the machinery, eaten by piranha but he was blind!!! No wonder he upended into the water, duh!
Sarcasm is just one of the free services I provide ;-)
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